Tag: Barbara Gordon

Review: Grayson #12

Grayson #12. Script- Tom King, Plot by Tim Seeley & Tom King, Pencils & Greytones- Mikel Janin, Inks-...

Review: Batgirl #43

Tigers, and Tigers...and uh Tigers...oh my (or burning bright?) in Batgirl #43 by Cameron Stewart and Brendan Fletcher,...

Review: Batgirl Annual #3

An all-star team of creators join Cameron Stewart and Brendan Fletcher in Batgirl Annual #3 featuring art and...

Review: Batgirl #42

Things get electrical in Batgirl #42 by Cameron Stewart and Brendan Fletcher, Babs Tarr art, Jake Wyatt and...

Review: Batgirl #41

Dad's home in Batgirl #41 written by Cameron Stewart and Brendan Fletcher, Babs Tarr on art, Joel Gomez...

Barbara Faces the New Batman in this Batgirl #41 Preview

DC Comics has released an official preview for the upcoming #41 issue of Batgirl, post-Convergence. Barbara Gordon will...

Titans TNT Series Update

With the current field of television shows inspired by DC Comics characters (Arrow, The Flash, Gotham and iZombie), and a...

Review: Convergence #2

Convergence #1. Jeff King- Writer, Carlo Pagulayan- Pencils, Jason Paz- Inks, Aspen MLT’s John Starr with Peter Steigerwald-...

Review: Batgirl #40

Enter Oracle (?) in Batgirl #40, written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, with art by Babs Tarr, colors...

Review: Batgirl #39

Babs is up against...herself? In Batgirl #39, written by Brenden Fletcher and Cameron Stewart, with art by Babs Tarr,...