Tag: apokolips
Darkseid Is… In The First Teaser For The Justice League Snyder Cut
It was recently announced that the infamous Zack Snyder cut of Justice League would be heading to HBO...
Big Barda: The ‘New God’ of Superhero Self-Care
Since the introduction of Superman in 1938, when the earth is in danger, comic book superheroes spring into...
DC Announces Two Special Hardcover Editions
DC announced that some of our favorite titles are now getting a little VIP treatment. Batman: White Knight...
Review: Injustice vs. Masters of The Universe #5
Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Freddie E. Williams II Colors: Jeremy Colwell Letters: Wes Abbott Summary Darkseid has...
Mister Miracle Series Ends, Female Furies Begin
In February, DC is officially launching a new series involving a spin-off of Jack Kirby's Fourth World creations. Cecil Castellucci...
Review: Harley Quinn #51
Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Sami Basri Colors: Alex Sinclair Letters: Dave Sharpe Summary "Triumph" Part One is...
Review: Harley Quinn #47
Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: John Timms Colors: Gabe Eltaeb Letters: Dave Sharpe Summary In this conclusion to...
Mister Miracle #11 Pushed Back 3 Weeks
Mister Miracle #11 has been re-scheduled for a August 29 release date. The penultimate issue of Tom King...
Review: Harley Quinn #46
Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: John Timms Summary After a vacation from hell, Harley ends up on Apokolips. The...
‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ Trailer Officially Released At Comic Con 2018
It's been five years since Young Justice last aired on Cartoon Network and now fans are getting their...