Tag: animal man

Review: Justice League Dark #22

Review: Justice League Dark #22   Writers: Ram V & James Tynion IV Artists: Alvaro Martínez Bueno, Amancay...

DCN Celebrates the Storytelling Legacy of Vertigo

Let’s start with a celebration of impossible things. In the early 1990s, the Master of Dreams found his...

Animal Man: Deus Ex Machina

Retro-Review: Animal Man #18-26 – “Deus Ex Machina”

Retro-Review: ANIMAL MAN #18-26 - "DEUS EX MACHINA"   Writer: Grant Morrison Artists: Chas Truog, Doug Hazlewood, Paris...

Review: Justice League Dark #20

Review: Justice League Dark #20   Writers: Ram V & James Tynion IV Artist: Kyle Hotz Colorist: Fco...

Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Review: Batman: Last Knight On Earth #2

Review: BATMAN: LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH #2   Writer: Scott Snyder Artist: Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion Colours: FCO...

Dog Days of Summer #1

Review: Dog Days Of Summer #1

DOG DAYS OF SUMMER #1 Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Joshua Williamson, G. Willow...

ANIMAL MAN – DEFINITIVE READING ORDER, Including Pre-Flashpoint Titles, New 52 and More

DC Comics News brings you the definitive reading order, to date, for Animal Man. Including all the Pre-Flashpoint...

Review – Secret Origins #8

For Secret Origins I will be reviewing each story rather than the overall book.   Cover Art: Lee Bermejo,...

Review-THE NEW 52: FUTURES END #31

  As the cover indicates, this weeks issue of Futures End deals heavily with the ramifications of what...

Review: Justice League United Future’s End #1

JUSTICE LEAGUE UNITED: Future's End #1 written by Jeff Lemire and art by Jed Dougherty and color by...