Taking Bets on Which One of JUSTICE LEAGUE’s Directors Will Be Attending SDCC This Year?
With Zack Snyder taking some personal time and passing the helm to Joss Whedon, exactly which one of...
HBO Develops ‘Watchmen’ Reboot
Who watches the Watchmen? Apparently we will on HBO! Warner Bros. is rebooting Watchmen as a HBO series...
DC Comics Cinematic Universe is in Good Hands!
In an exclusive interview with Variety Toby Emmerich, the Head of Warner Bros. Pictures reveals plans to put...
BATMAN RETURNS The 25th Anniversary
It was 1992’s most anticipated blockbuster and after making such a splash with the first Bat-flick Tim Burton...
The DC Films Universe Prepares to Come Into the Light!
As the DC Comics Cinematic Universe continues to expand, fans can expect a more positive “optimism” to shine...
Amber Heard’s Aquaman Trainer: “She is a True Athlete”
Amber Heard has shared several pictures and videos via social medial of her training for her role as...
John Lithgow reveals that he could have been the Joker
In a recent interview with New York Magazine’s Vulture website, veteran actor, John Lithgow, recently revealed that he...
Baywatch Star Wants To Be Lead In Joss Whedon’s Batgirl
If you haven't heard that Joss Whedon is looking at doing a Batgirl movie, then let me fill...
Doug Liman Leaves Justice League Dark Film
Those who were awaiting the "Dark Universe" film will have to wait even longer now that director Doug...
‘Wonder Woman’ Receives Positive Early Response
Early twitter reactions have hit the web for DC's next live-action film, the long-awaited feature film debut of the...