DC Comics Movie News

DC Comics Movie News

San Diego Comic Con

San Diego Comic-Con Addresses Coronavirus

San Diego Comic-Con Addresses Coronavirus Comic-Con International, the group that runs the pop culture phenomenon that is the...

Batman #82

Andrew Jack , Crew Member On ‘The Batman’ Dies From Coronavirus

Celebrated dialect coach Andrew Jack has passed away from the coronavirus. He was working  on The Batman before they shut...

Jack Nicholson as the Joker

Reveal: Bob Kane Had Entirely Different Idea for “Batman 89”

We almost got an entirely different story for Batman (1989) if the GOAT himself Bob Kane had his...

wonder woman 1984 logo

Coronavirus Causes “Wonder Woman 1984” To Be Postponed

It's a sad day for a lot of DC fans. As the world continues to overcome the COVID-19...

wonder woman 1984 logo

‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Coming To Theaters After All

Following a few days of internet speculation to the contrary, Warner Bros confirmed to Indiewire that Wonder Woman...

Warner Bros. Releases New Wonder Woman 1984 Photos

We might not know exactly when we will get to see it, but we DO have some new...

The Batman Greig Fraser DC Comics News

The Batman Halts Production Due To Coronavirus Concerns

With countless movies and TV shows suspending production due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it shouldn't surprise you...

IMAX debuts

Birds Of Prey To Release Early On VOD

At this point, I'm sure that we would all give COVID-19 a swift kick to the crotch if...

Wonder Woman #83

New Motion Poster Released For Wonder Woman 1984

As long as Covid 19 has nothing to say about it, Wonder Woman 1984 will hit theaters in June. To...


In the Elseworlds adventure Superman: Red Son now a full-length animated feature from DC Universe Movies, there’s no...