DC Comics Previews
All the latest DC Comics previews
DC Brings Different Variant Covers to ‘Heroes In Crisis’ Series
DC Comics has never turned a "blind eye" to real-world events, and this September a new even will...
‘Dark Knights: Metal’ Is Getting A Spin-Off–And A Sneak Peek
There is no doubt that Dark Nights: Metal was a huge success for DC and was loved by...
DC Nuclear Winter Special Is Coming In November
DC Comics has a special holiday gift planned for everyone. DC Nuclear Winter Special #1 is scheduled to...
Year-Long Celebration Planned For Batman’s 80th Anniversary
DC Comics will be celebrating the 80th anniversary of Batman in early 2019 with a year-long celebration to...
DC Comics Reveals Details Of DC Nation #4
DC Nation #4 is on its way and will land in comic book stores on September 5th. With...
The Bat-Cat Love Story Is Only Getting Started Says Tom King
Perhaps one of the longest builds in recent comic lore, the ending to the marriage of the Dark...
Preview: Preacher Season 3 Episode 3 “Gonna Hurt”
A new episode of Preacher will air Sunday July 8th at 10:00 PM ET, and AMC has released a...
Archie Meets Batman ’66 Preview!
I hope you are excited for a crossover of epic proportions! Riverdale and Gotham city will crossover for...
Catch a Glimpse of “Preacher” Season 3 with New Trailer
A new trailer for Preacher season 3 was released over the weekend that gives us clues as to...
Review: Suicide Squad #42
Writer: Rob Williams Artists: Jose Luis, Jordi Tarronga Summary Part two of "Constriction"! Deadshot runs the gambit...