DC Comic Book News
All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.
Earth 2 #13 Preview Features the Mysterious Earth 2 Batman!
This weeks Earth 2 (issue 13) continues off directly from issue 12, and also the new Annual...
DC Comics Confirms Villains Month For September!
After months of rumors and speculation, DC Comics' Dan Didio and Jim Lee have come out to...
Paul Levitz on the ending of the Legion of Super-Heroes and what may be in store for the team.
Thru its over 55 year history in comics, the Legion of Super-Heroes have been thru several reboots including...
Francesco Francavilla Plans 1972 Batman Elseworlds Story
Francesco Francavilla, acclaimed comic artist known for his pulp style covers and art, has been teasing art for...
DCN Week in Review: 05/29/2013
Being the 5th Wednesday of the month, this week's pull list was a little on the short side....
RED HOOD: The League of Assassins’ Secret City
With the release of this weeks Red Hood and the Outlaws ANNUAL #1, readers got their first look...
LARFLEEZE #1 Preview: New Art Revealed for First Issue
It may be a little over a month before the new series about fan favourite character Larfleeze launches,...
Catwoman Annual #1 Review: Black Ice
Catwoman has been drawn into the beginnings of a gang war. Positive This issue is...
EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Higgins talks Nightwing and Batman Beyond
Writer Kyle Higgins talks with DCComicsnews.com about his work in Nightwing and the new digital comic, Batman Beyond. DCComicsNews.com:...
BATWING #21 Preview: Lion Mane
Lion Mane has Batwing by the throat in Batwing #21, check out the preview of the new issue click...