DC Comic Book News
All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.
Is Superman Ready For The H.I.V.E Queen?
Meet the H.I.V.E Queen. Click the jump to
Nightwing #21 Review: Bullets and Doughnuts
Nightwing escapes from the Prankster and eats doughnuts in our review of Nightwing #21. Like the New 52, this review...
Superboy #21 Review: State of Decay
We're now two issues into new Superboy scribe Justin Jordan's run and things are looking up as the...
Nicola Scott Staying on Earth 2
When James Robinson recently announced his departure as writer of Earth 2 after issue 16, the question remained...
New Creative Team for Action Comics
Sources say that Superman veterans Greg Pak (writer) and Aaron Kuder (artist) will make up the new creative...
Entertainment Weekly’s Superman Issue
Superman once again graces the cover of Entertainment Weekly! This week's issue features a celebration of Superman's 75th...
Action Comics #1 is Starbucks’ Free Pick of the Week
Do you want a free digital comic with that coffee? Starbucks has announced that Action Comics #1 (The...
CONSTANTINE #4 PREVIEW: Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag
Papa Midnite enters the New 52 in Constantine #4. Click the jump below to see the preview. John Constantine and...
Batwing #21 Review: Fangs of Doom
Will Lion Mane keep the upper hand on the newest version of Batwing? Positive The fight scene that...
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Charles Soule talks Swamp Thing and Red Lanterns
Author, musician and attorney, Charles Soule recently took over writing duties for Swamp Thing and Red Lanterns. Soule...