DC Comic Book News
All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.
DC Villains Omnibus Announced
Rejoice, villains fans! As everyone knows, this September belongs to the best villains the DC Universe has to...
Adventures of Superman #8 Review: Nukes and Booms
Another week, another installment of the digital-first Adventures of Superman! Read our review after the jump! Matt Kindt and...
Batman Beyond #25 Review: Not-So-Heavy Metal
Terry and the Metal Men try to minimize the destruction in Gotham in the wake of Rebel’s attack!...
Green Lantern:New Guardians #21 – Review
Green Lantern : New Guardians #21 – The Anomaly Kyle Rayner is called on to teach the Templar...
Trinity Of Sin: Pandora #2 PREVIEW
PREVIEW Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2. Click the Jump to read more...
An Early Look At Parasite
Parasite is ready for his close up. Click the jump to read more...
DC Reveals Giganta and Vandal Savage Designs
In the weekly column "What's New in the New 52", Bob Harras unveiled the designs for the two...
The DC Comics Retailer Roadshow wrapped up in New York yesterday, where visitors and comic book retailers were...
FABLES #130 PREVIEW: Junebug
Fables #130 preview, click the jump to see more. Plot: fan-favorite Junebug explores the brightest corners and darkest depths of...
JUSTICE LEAGUE 3000: New Series
New Justice League series called Justice League 3000 is the next title. Click the jump to see more. DC Comics released an...