DC Comic Book News
All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.
SANDMAN: McKean’s Sandman Overture Cover
Dave McKean's cover for the anticipated Sandman: Overture. Click the jump to see more. Neil Gaiman's return to Sandman with Sandman:...
“Forever Evil” Teaser Images: Green Lantern, Teen Titans, and Nightwing
With Forever Evil looming large on the horizon in September, DC has released three new images today teasing the...
“Harley Quinn” Monthly Coming From Palmiotti and Conner
The fan favorite character Harley Quinn will be stepping into the spotlight later this year with her own...
Wonder Girl’s DCnU Connection to Wonder Woman revealed
Back in Teen Titans #19, an image of potentially Cassie's father was revealed. Unlike Pre-Flashpoint, Cassie's father was...
Comic-Con from the Comfort of Home
With San Diego Comic-Con starting this week many monetarily impotent fans (such as myself) are stuck dreaming of...
Birds of Prey Gets a New Character- Tsiklon
Birds of Prey is getting all sorts of new villains, here is DC Comic's look at Tisklon The...
Batman ’66 #2 Review: To the Alf-Pole!
The adventures of the 1960s TV Batman continue in this week’s installment of Batman ’66. Check out our...
Superman Unchained #2 Review: Rising Action
Snyder and Lee continue their reinvention of Big Blue - does it meet the bar set by the...
Nightwing #22 Review: Time to Invest in New Handcuffs
The Prankster is on the loose, and Nightwing gets closer to nailing Tony Zucco! Check out our review...
New Villains for Birds of Prey
Yesterday you met Uplink, and today we’ll be introducing you to Hammerdown and Whipcrack. Click the jump to see...