DC Comic Book News

All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.

Villains Month Preview – Riddler, Court of Owls, Mr Freeze, Harley Quinn

Trinity War will be over this month which will lead us into September and Villains Month. Below are...

Scott Lobdell Talks Krypton Returns

Scott Lobdell left a lot of things up in the air after the "He'll on Earth" story line....

Batman ’66 #6 Review: Crime and Pianists

Holy digital comics, Batman! The adventures of the 1960’s television show continue in this week’s installment of Batman...

Batman Zero Year Tie-In Solicitations (UPDATED)

The Bat-Event Zero Year is set to have tie-ins from many other books in the DCU come November....

Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger #11 Review: A Foolish Man

This issue perfectly blends the Stranger’s personal adventures with the events of “Trinity War,” and both readers just...

James Tynion IV talks Red Hood and the Outlaws Zero Year Book

We all know that many books will be tying in with the Batman event "Zero Year". Red Hood...


Next month DC kicks off its first post-"Trinity War" event with the much hyped "Villains Month". Each issue...

Ray Fawkes Dishes Some Interesting Tidbits On PANDORA

With the "Trinity War" raging throughout the New 52 DC Universe, one of its central figures still remains shrouded...

Batman Beyond 2.0 #1 Review: Things Change

The Beyond universe is reignited with a new look and a new creative team. Check out the DCN...

Adventures of Superman #15 Review: Birth of a Villain

Another week, another installment of Adventures of Superman. Check out the DCN review after the jump! Adventures of...