DC Comic Book News
All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.
Harley Quinn’s Big Adventure
On the 'What's New in the New 52' column, Bob Harras revealed that at the end of the...
Scott Lobdell on Forever Evil: Teen Titans
Scott Lobdell sat down with Newsarama where he discussed the Forever Evil tie-in with the Teen Titans as...
Brian Azzarello Talks Wonder Woman’s Newest Villain – First Born
Wonder Woman's villains may not be as iconic as those of Superman or Batman. That's why writer Brian...
The Flash #23 Review: Reverse Revelations
With all the questions surrounding the Speed Force Killer, what’s up with Iris? As The Flash speeds onto...
Adventures of Superman #18 Review: Crystals and Cops
Another week, another installment of Adventures of Superman. Check out this week’s DCN review! This week in Adventures...
Detective Comics #23 Review: “Bat and Mouse”
Detective Comics #23 builds to a tense, suspenseful climax as John Layman keeps readers on the edge of...
Detective Comics Annual #2 Review: “Face In The Crowd”
Detective Comics Annual #2, written by John Layman and Joshua Williamson with art by Scot Eaton, is an...
Superman Unchained #3 Review: Super Hiccups
DCN Reviews Superman Unchained!
Batwoman #23 Review: This Blood is Thick – Veins
The long awaited showdown between Batwoman and Batman is just beyond the horizon. In this calm before the...
Batman ’66 #8 Review: Tomb Raiders!
Holy digital comics, Batman! The adventures of the 1960’s television show continue in this week’s installment of Batman...