DC Comic Book News

All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.

PREVIEW: GREG PAK Talks Action Comics #25 Zero Year Tie-In

Action Comics is getting a new scribe this November: Greg Pak, well known for his Planet Hulk and the newly released...

SUPERMAN / WONDER WOMAN #1 Variant Covers Revealed

In case you're not up with the DCU happenings, Wonder Woman and Superman have been dating since Justice League...

Marv Wolfman to write Superboy #26 (Crossover with the Teen Titans)

This week, Titans fans will get to read Teen Titans #23.1 Trigon written by Marv Wolfman, however news...

DC now confirms Aquaman is NOT married to Mera

With some of the history changing in the New 52, there has been controversy about even the New...

DCN Op-Ed: Why I Love “The Flash” Again

(Editors’ Note: All editorials are solely the opinion of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views...

Batman: Zero Year Batsuit Revealed.

Well, here we have it, Batman's first official Batsuit in The New 52.   It's definitely an interesting...

The Flash #23.1 Review: Damn Dirty Apes!

It’s Villains Month in the DC Universe, which means the return of everyone’s favorite evil, telepathic gorilla! Check...

Injustice Lobo Upgrades And More!

If you are a fan of Injustice than this is some news for you.  A few days ago...

Vertigo Comics – The Witching Hour #1 – Preview

Vertigo has released the following preview images for The Witching Hour #1 which is due to be released...

Forever Evil #2 – Preview

DC Comics released the following preview images of Forever Evil #2 today.   Comment down below and like...