DC Comic Book News

All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.

The Flash #23.3 Review: A Captain, a Wizard, and a Master Walk into a Bar…

It’s the third week of Villains’ Month, which means it’s time for another trip to the Gem Cities!...

Crowdfunding Campaign Offers Unique DC Perks

DC Comics has launched a new crowdfunding campaign as part of their "We Can Be Heroes" initiative. The...

PREVIEW: Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion #1

Here's a look at inside art for Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion, written by Brian Buccellato and co-illustrated by Patrick Zircher...

Injustice Comic To Return in 2014

DC Comic book tie in to the popular video game Injustice: Gods Among Us was recently revealed to be...

PREVIEW: Kyle Killen Talks “Adventures of Superman” Issue

Kyle Killen, best known for two cancelled but critically acclaimed television shows "Awake" and "Lone Star", is looking...

New York City Comic Con Exclusives

DC Collectibles has announces the exclusive New York City Comic Con items that will be available this year....

Forever Evil – Arkham War Preview

Arkham War is a 6 issue mini-series that launches next month and is written by Peter Tomasi. DC...

Warner Brothers CEO Talks About The Future Of DC Properties

Warner Brothers CEO Kevin Tsujihara went on the record with some very interesting tidbits about WB's DC proprieties...

Greg Pak On Zero Year

Greg Pak the current writer on Batman/Superman and soon to be writer on Action Comics sat down with...

Lights Out Preview – Green Lantern Corps #24

DC Comics has released the following preview images from Green Lantern Corps #24 which will arrive on October...