DC Comic Book News

All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.

Nightwing #24 Review: Buyer’s Remorse

After a month delay, the concluding chapter of the Prankster arc hits the pages of Nightwing! Check out...

Batman Beyond 2.0 #5 Review: Villains, Party of Four

The adventures of Terry McGinnis continue in the form of a biweekly digital comic! Check out the DCN...

DCnU Year Five in 2014

Since the new 52 happened, September has been one of the important months at DC Comics or as...

Goodbye Central City, Hello Gotham!

To Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato, Goodbye Flash, Hello Detective Comics! After completing their runs on the Flash...

Coming 2014 – The Year of the Bat

Coming in spring 2014, DC Comics is releasing a new Batman series called 'Batman Eternal' timed to the...

PREVIEW: Green Arrow #25

DC Comics has released preview art for Green Arrow #25. This Batman: Zero Year tie-in issue finds Oliver...

Batgirl Enters the World of Batman ’66

Wednesday will the see the release of the next installment of the hit digital comic series Batman '66,...

DCN: Pick of the Week #1

Get weekly comic book reviews with DCN: Pick of the Week. Click the jump to see more. DCN...

Warner Bros. CEO Comes Forward To Say, “We Need To Get Wonder Woman On The Big Screen Or TV”

That's right, Warner Bros. hasn't forgotten about the Amazonian Princess. While many of us might of assumed that...

Jim Lee talks Villains Month and Batman: Europa

    If you read DC comics, or comics in general, you've heard of Jim Lee at some...