DC Comic Book News

All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.

PREVIEWS: Harley Quinn #0 and Batwoman #25

This week's releases feature some new titles and some brand new creative teams! Harley Quinn #0, written by...

Batman Beyond 2.0 #8 Review: The Shocking Finale

The Beyond universe has been a fun ride since relaunching with Batman Beyond 2.0. With a new status...

REVIEW Katana #9: Swords and Daggers and Clans, Oh My!

Though “Zero Year” has claimed the focus of many DC titles this month, the doomed Katana continues its...

REVIEW – Nightwing #25: Circus Brat and the Gotham City Kids

The Nightwing train has had six outstanding issues free from the worries of the Bat Family of books,...

New African-American Robin!

January's Detective Comics #27 was already slated to be a landmark issue in the history of Batman, but...

Tom Taylor on Injustice Year One

Tom Taylor sat down with Comic Vine to discuss his run on the hit tie-in comic to the...

Howard Porter on JL3K

As you already know, the upcoming Justice League 3000 will be released in December 2013. It will feature...

Geoff Johns on Forever Evil

Two years ago, DC relaunched their entire comic book line and restarted most of the series with new...

Could Wally West and Donna Troy Be Heading To The New 52 DCU?

During this weeks DC All Access Video viewers got a tease that could potentially have exciting ramifications for...

Neil Gaiman Explains SANDMAN: OVERTURE #2 Delay

After only one issue, Neil Gaiman's return to the world of his hit comic Sandman has been experiencing delays, pushing Sandman:...