DC Comic Book News

All the latest News about DC Comic books. Animal man, Batman, Action, Superman, Detective, Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman. Everything DC Comics.

“Scribblenauts” Cover Variants Are Coming

"Scribblenauts Unamsked: A DC Comics Adventure" was released back in September but coming in January, fans of the...

Will Pfeifer Returns to DC Comics

Will Pfeifer ends his six year hiatus with March's Red Hood and the Outlaws #29. Pfeifer and artist...

Scott Snyder Teases the Future of Gotham

Earlier this morning, Batman writer Scott Snyder tweeted an announcement that the current solicited Batman #28, which was...

Batman Beyond 2.0 #9 Review: Showing Off

SPOILER WARNING: Light spoilers follow, not to be confused with diet spoilers. Chapter 9 of Kyle Higgins’ Batman...

Tim Seeley On a Batman Rogues Version of ‘Deadpool’

Tim Seeley, writer of famed Image horror title Hack/Slash, hints to Newsarama that his upcoming two-part story for Talon will...

Batwing #26 Review – Just Your Normal Visit to Italy

SPOILER WARNING: Batwing appears in this book In case you haven’t noticed (and judging by sales figures, that’s...

Brett Booth Working On Superman #28

Artist Brett Booth has revealed via twitter that he will be drawing Superman for four issues, starting with issue...

New Original Artwork For “The Killing Joke” Surfaces

the original panel Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's brutal depiction of the Joker in The Killing Joke has garnered...

Forever Evil: Arkham War #2 Review- “The Bane Mutiny”

As Bane’s army moves through Gotham, the war escalates and Batman’s greatest villains begin taking sides!

The Flash #25 Review: The Beginning is the Ending is the Beginning

WARNING – Spoilers may or may not follow. But they might. Just when you thought they were done,...