
Selena (2) passing

Reviews: Motherlands #6

Writer: Si Spurrier Artist: Rachael Stott, Felipe Sobeird   Summary What's the craziest thing your mother ever told...

Review: Motherlands #5

Writer: Si Spurrier Artist: Rachael Stott   Summary Standing at the casket in the empty church, Bubba finds...

Review: Motherlands #4

Writer: Si Spurrier Artist: Rachael Stott & Pete Woods   Summary Right where Motherlands #3 left off, with...

Review: Motherlands #3

Writer: Si Spurrier Artist: Rachel Stott   Summary After Tabitha took a bullet for her mother in the...

Spurrier Spills Secrets About Motherlands’ Multiple Universes

Simon Spurrier is probably one of the most talented and under the radar comics creators in the world...

Reivew: Motherlands #2

Writer: Si Spurrier Artist: Stephen Byrne   Summary Issue two of Motherlands, titled "The Family That Stays Together...

Review: Motherlands #1

Writer: Si Spurrier Artist: Rachael Stott   Summary Everyone one has issues with their parents, "Mommy" or "Daddy" issues. Those...