
DC Comics’ Nightwing. Nightwing uses his supreme fighting skills to fight Gotham’s crime, including the evil Saiko and Tony Zucko.


Dick Grayson will be an agent of Spyral, a spy agency introduced in Grant Morrison's run on Batman Inc"....

End of the Line – The Fate of Nightwing Comics

When the new 52 started, Nightwing was part of the first wave. The original Robin who Kyle Higgins...

DCN Presents Top Ten Moments: Dick Grayson

Here at DCN we thought we'd take a break from reporting all your DC Comics News so we...

Kyle Higgins joins Batman Eternal writing team

According to Newsarama, Kyle Higgins is the newest writer the rotating cast of writers and artist on Batman:...

Six Books Ending in April

With the announcement of the April solicitations, six titles were confirmed to be ending, with Superman Unchained, Suicide Squad, Nightwing,...

Nightwing #27 Review: Secret’s Out… Maybe

SPOILER WARNING: This is still before Forever Evil... *sigh* Kyle Higgins has been dealt quite a hand, with...

Nightwing to Get New Creative Team

Kyle Higgins, who has been writing Nightwing since the New 52 began, took to Facebook today to announce...

Nightwing #26 Review: Down the Rabbit Hole

SPOILER WARNING – Forever Evil will likely ruin this series’ fun. Life in a new city requires a...

“Scribblenauts” Cover Variants Are Coming

"Scribblenauts Unamsked: A DC Comics Adventure" was released back in September but coming in January, fans of the...

PREVIEW: Nightwing #26

Nightwing has gone through a lot of turmoil in his solo book since the start of the New...