
DC Comics’ Nightwing. Nightwing uses his supreme fighting skills to fight Gotham’s crime, including the evil Saiko and Tony Zucko.

Titans TNT Series Update

With the current field of television shows inspired by DC Comics characters (Arrow, The Flash, Gotham and iZombie), and a...

Batgirl Comes To “Batman: Arkham Knight”

WB Games has released details about the Season Pass for Batman: Arkham Knight. And great news for fans...

Review: Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle #1

Convergence is DC Comics' complicated answer to the simple question of “When can I see my favourite characters again?”...

Dan DiDio Reflects on “One Year Later”

Dan DiDio Co-President of DC Comics gives readers of his FaceBook page insight into the inner workings of...

Review – Secret Origins #8

For Secret Origins I will be reviewing each story rather than the overall book.   Cover Art: Lee Bermejo,...

Nightwing Statue on the way.

PrototypeZ Studio a renowned figure maker has released images of a new line of Nightwing models that are...

Review: GRAYSON #2

GRAYSON #2 (Tim Seeley, Tom King & Mikel Janin) manages to channel Jim Steranko's NICK FURY comics from...


Launching a new property is a difficult thing to do. Especially when that property is tied to a...

Original Nightwing 30 Artwork Never Before Seen

With Nightwing concluding at issue #30, never before seen artwork from artist, Meghan Hetrick as been posted online....

Review: NIGHTWING #30

NIGHTWING (Tim Seeley & Tom King, Javier Garron, Jorge Lucas & Guillermo Ortego) #30 is a conclusion to...