Forever Evil: Arkham War
Na Na Na Na Na Na Anniversary! Batman’s 78th Anniversary TODAY
Today is one of the best days ever in history in our eyes DC fans. On March 30th,...
Review: Forever Evil: Arkham War #5
Forever Evil: Arkham War #5 is the tipping point in the war between Bane and Arkham. Bane and...
Forever Evil: Arkham War #4 Review: “Empire of the Bat”
The new diabolic duo—Bane and Talon William Cobb—team up to quash the forces of Arkham Asylum and claim...
Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 Review- “Das Bat!”
This review contains SPOILERS! Forever Evil: Arkham War #3 escalates the growing crisis in Gotham City as Bane...
Forever Evil Report Episode 3
Showing up super late due to technical difficulties (among others), it's the third episode of the Forever Evil...
Forever Evil: Arkham War #2 Review- “The Bane Mutiny”
As Bane’s army moves through Gotham, the war escalates and Batman’s greatest villains begin taking sides!
Forever Evil Report Episode 2
Forever Evil's second month has concluded, and boy did a lot happen! Join your hosts Max, Jay, Dan,...