
Review: Cyborg #5

Writer: John Semper Jr. Pencils: Allan Jefferson, Derec Donovan Inks: Scott Hanna, Derec Donovan Colorist: Guy Major Letterer: Rob...

First Look: CYBORG #5

Written by: John Semper Art by: Allan Jefferson, Scott Hanna Covers by: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos, Carlos D'Anda...

Review: Cyborg #4

Writer: John Semper Jr. Pencils: Timothy Green Inks: Joseph Silver Summary It's Cyborg vs. the Justice League! The world's...

Review: Cyborg #3

Writer: John Semper Jr. Pencils and Inks: Will Conrad Summary It's Cyborg vs the Justice League! Victor takes...

Review: Cyborg #2

Writer: John Semper Jr. Artist: Paul Pelletier Summary Cyborg faces off against Killgore, a robotic monstrosity that seeks...

Review: Cyborg #1

Writer: John Semper Jr. Artist: Paul Pelletier Summary Cyborg is the man! Stopping an apparent police chase near...