DC Comics Batgirl! Follow Barbara Gordon as she fights to save Gotham from her evil brother James Jr.
Four New Batman 75th Anniversary Variants
Earlier last week a list full of various comic books and artists were mentioned for Batman's 75th Anniversary...
Review: Batman Eternal Issue #4: Injustice For All
Hey guys, Darius here, and today I am bringing you my review of Batman Eternal Issue #4, which...
Batman Set To Appear On Several DC Covers In July
Continuing the year-long celebration of Batman's 75th anniversary, DC Comics has decided to release twenty-one variant covers this...
More DC Comics Bombshells Prints
By Q2 2014, anytime now, we have been told to expect more art prints of our favorite...
Robot Chicken & DC Comics Team Up Again for Variant Themed Covers
DC Comics and the stop motion animation show, Robot Chicken will be celebrating its DC Comics Special II...
Preview: Batgirl #27
Welcome to "GOTHTOPIA", the safest city on Earth. A world where Batgirl and the woman who tried to...
PREVIEW: Batgirl #26
The Batgirl: Wanted comes to its stunning conclusion in this issue! After taking a trip down memory lane...
Bat-Graphic Novels Sale for $3.99
Want some great Batman graphic novels from the New 52 for a cheap/good price of $3.99? If yes,...
BATGIRL #24 PREVIEW: Wanted Continues
Batgirl's "Wanted" story arc continues with Batgirl #24. Click the jump to see more. Check out the preview pages...
Batman Zero Year Tie-In Solicitations (UPDATED)
The Bat-Event Zero Year is set to have tie-ins from many other books in the DCU come November....