Action Comics

Action Comics. Everything about Superman’s main title!

Review: Action Comics Special #1

Writers: Dan Jurgens, Mark Russel, Max Landis Artists: Will Conrad, Jill Thompson, Francis Manapul Colors: Wil Quintana, Romulo Fajardo, Jr.  ...

Review: Action Comics #1000

Writers: Dan Jurgens, Peter Tomasi, Brian Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, Richard Donner, Paul Dini, Tom King, Brad Meltzer, Louise...

ACTION 1000 - DC Comics News

Action Comics #1000 First Look!

The 1000th issue of Action Comics is almost here, and DC Comics has now released four pages from...

DC Nation #0 Reaches One Million In Pre-Orders, Action Comics #1000 Reaches 500K

At C2E2 this past weekend DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio announced that the upcoming anthology one-shot, DC Nation #0...

DC Drops Some Big News At Their First-Ever Publishers Panel From WonderCon

DC started Wondercon Saturday morning with a bang, courtesy of a livestreamed panel hosted by DC Publishers Dan...

Library Congress and Action Comics - DC Comics News

Library of Congress Celebrates Action Comics #1000

DC Comics and the Library of Congress, the world’s largest library, will celebrate the groundbreaking 1000th issue of...

Action Comics #1000 Gets Midnight Release

Action Comics #1000 hits stores soon and it's sure to be a landmark issue. DC has enough faith in...

Review: Action Comics #999

Writer: Dan Jurgens Art: Will Conrad Colors: Ivan Nunes   Summary “The General”! Superman’s journey through time has crashed to a...

DC releases Final Action Comics #1000 Cover Variant

Two months ago, Jim Lee and DC Comics thrilled Superman fans with the unveiling of the official cover...

Fans Get Early Look At Bonus Story From ACTION COMICS #1000

On April 18, the worlds of comic books, entertainment and pop culture will unite in recognition of a...