Review: Batman #84
Review: BATMAN #84 Writer: Tom King Artist: Jorge Fornes Colours: Jordie Bellaire Letters: Clayton Cowles Reviewed...
Review: The Flash 5×22 – “Legacy”
Review: THE FLASH 5x22 - “LEGACY” Director: Gregory Smith Writers: Todd Helbing and Eric Wallace Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos...
“Crisis on Infinite Earths” Is Coming to The CW!
Where there's a Monitor, there will always be an Anti-Monitor. And with the Anti-Monitor comes a Crisis. A...
Review: The Flash 5×09 – “Elseworlds, Part 1”
Director: Kevin Tancharoen Writers: Eric Wallace and Sam Chalsen Starring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes, Danielle Panabaker,...
Review: LEGO DC Super-Villains Video Game
Developer: Traveller's Tales Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Nintendo Switch Voice...
Launch Trailer For LEGO DC Super-Villains Released
Reporter: Derek McNeil A new trailer has dropped for LEGO DC Super-Villains from Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT...
Review: The Flash #48
Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Howard Porter Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Summary “FLASH WAR” part two! Barry Allen...
The Flash Will Be Confronted By An All-New ‘Force’ In ‘Justice League #1’
Barry Allen, aka The Flash, is the Fastest Man Alive thanks to the Speed Force. Through countless writers,...
Review: The Flash #46
Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Scott Kolins Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Summary “THE ROAD TO FLASH WAR!” Wally...
Review: The Flash Annual #1
Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Howard Porter, Christian Duce Reviewed By: Derek McNeil Summary “FLASH WAR” prelude! The...