Red Lanterns
All your news for Red Lanterns, formed by Atrocitus, the Red Lanterns’ power derives from rage.
Previews: Red Lanterns #26
Preview pages for: Red Lanterns #26
Review: Red Lanterns #24
A review over Red Lantern #24
PREVIEWS: Red Lanterns #24 – Lights Out
As the Green Lantern Corps deals with Relic in the title-spanning crossover "Lights Out" the series reaches it's...
Lights Out Preview: Red Lanterns #24
DC Comics has released new images of Red Lanterns #24. The "Lights Out" cross-over event continues in this...
PREVIEW: Red Lanterns #23
Charles Soule continues his first arc on the book in this preview to issue 23! Writer: Charles Soule...
Red Lanterns #22 Preview: Vomiting
It's normal for a Red Lantern to vomit, right? Yups, Red Lantern #22 preview. Click the jump to see more....
PREVIEWS: October 2013 Cover Solicitations
With the Trinity War starting this week and Villains Month coming up in September, many DC fans are...
Red Lanterns 21 Review: A Little Bit of Soule
Red Lanterns 21 Review: a new creative team, a new red lantern?
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Charles Soule talks Swamp Thing and Red Lanterns
Author, musician and attorney, Charles Soule recently took over writing duties for Swamp Thing and Red Lanterns. Soule...