Power Girl
All your news for Power Girl, the Kryptonian relative of Supergirl and Superman and member of the Justice Society of America.
Worlds’ Finest #13 Review : Hide and Seek
What do Desaad and a giant dog have to do with each other? Find out after the Jump!...
Previews: World’s Finest #13: Hide & Seek
Year two begins for World's Finest this week with issue #13. The first issues have established Power Girl...
Previews: Ame-Comi Girls #4 The Coming of Sinestra
Ame-Comi Girls is unique as it can mix the DCnU with the past DCU and throw in its...
WORLD’S FINEST: The Devil Falls To Earth
Desaad comes to World's Finest and he's coming in a real big way. Click the jump to see more. Paul...