Power Girl

All your news for Power Girl, the Kryptonian relative of Supergirl and Superman and member of the Justice Society of America.

Dynamic Cosplay Presents: Power Girl

Welcome to DC Comic News, Dynamic Cosplay Presents:   POWER GIRL: Cosplayer: Alyssa Loughran Photographer:  Jeff Zoet Visuals Alyssa...

Suicide Squad #27 Review: UNDER & OVER

At the end of Suicide Squad #26, the Thinker transferred his consciousness into O.M.A.C. and was about to...

World's Finest 18

Review: World’s Finest #18

    The adventures of Helena Wayne and Karen Starr continue in the latest issue of Worlds’ Finest....

Worlds’ Finest #18 Preview – Kara Goes Nuclear

Kara grows more powerful (and uncontrollable) as Huntress takes on a new villain solo in next weeks Worlds' Finest...

Levitz and Pak Discuss “First Contact” – BATMAN / SUPERMAN, WORLDS’ FINEST Crossover

Paul Levitz and Greg Pak are planning a family reunion early next year. Batman / Superman and Worlds' Finest will...

Suicide Squad #25 Review: Cleaning Out The Closet

In which The Thinker thinks, King Shark wants a snack, and the Suicide Squad faces off against the...

Levitz Announces World’s Finest and Batman/Superman Crossover

January's solicitations led to the revelation that Huntress and Power Girl would be revealing their identities to Batman...

Suicide Squad #24 Review: Excuse the Mess…

After testing the waters with Deadshot and Harley Quinn during “Villains Month” to mixed reception, Matt Kindt makes...

Worlds’ Finest #14 Review : Losses

Desaad is at it again. In this issue we learn more about his motivations. We also witness more...

Supergirl # 21 Review: A New World

The latest addition to the Supergirl series brings tidings of a deadly future, for both Supergirl and the...