Power Girl

All your news for Power Girl, the Kryptonian relative of Supergirl and Superman and member of the Justice Society of America.


DCU Online: Bombshells And Black Lanterns To Debut In August!

DCU Online will release their 15th expansion "The Bombshells Paradox" which will also include "Corrupted Zamaron" this August!...

DC Comics

DC Comics Pull Box for 6-17-2015

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for June 17, 2015....


  Injustice now shows the cracks in the Batman team as Renee Montoya decides to go it solo....

Review- WORLDS’ FINEST #31

In this week’s Worlds' Finest, the issue focuses on the true heroes of the alternate world and how...

Review – Worlds’ Finest #30

  Writers: Paul Levitz Pencils: Jed Dougherty Ink: Jed Dougherty Colourist: Chris Sotomayor Cover Art: Yildiray Cinar, Gabe...

Review – Harley Quinn #13

Writers: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Pencils: Chad Hardin Ink: Chad Hardin Colourist: Alex Sinclair Cover Art: Amanda Conner,...

earth 2

Review – Earth 2: World’s End #8

Earth 2's destruction continues in the eighth installment of the weekly series World's End, entitled "The End Times"....

Review – Harley Quinn #12

Writer: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Cover Art: Amanda Conner, Paul Mounts Pencils: Chad Hardin, John Timms Inks: Chad...

Power Girl Premium Format™ Figure from Sideshow Collectibles

  Power Girl Premium Format™ Figure is up for pre order now on the Sideshow Collectibles website! Expected to ship in...

earth 2

Review – Earth 2: World’s End #7

The destruction, chaos and fight to save the world continues for our Wonders in the seventh installment of...