Madame Xanadu

Superman #23

Review: Superman #23

Review: SUPERMAN #23   Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artists: Kevin Maguire, John Timms Colours: Alex Sinclair Letters: Dave...

Justice League #43

Review: Justice League #43

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #43   Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Doug Mahnke, Richard Friend Colours: David Baron Letters: Tom...

Justice League #42

Review: Justice League #42

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #42   Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan Colours: David Baron Letters: Tom...

Justice League #41

Review: Justice League #41

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #41   Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan Colours: David Baron Letters: Tom...

Justice League #40

Review: Justice League #40

Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE #40   Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Doug Mahnke, Richard Friend Colours: David Baron Letters: Tom...

Review: Justice League Dark & Wonder Woman: The Witching Hour #1

Writer: James Tynion IV Artists: Jesus Merino, Fernando Blanco, Miguel Mendonca Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr. Letters: Rob Leigh   Summary The...

EDITORIAL: Witchcraft, Folklore, and The Supernatural in DC Comics

Comic book superhero stories are rooted in impossible things. Science experiments gone horribly wrong, humanoid creatures with remarkable...

swamp thing madame xanadu dc comics news

‘Swamp Thing’ Series Casts Madame Xanadu

DC Universe’s upcoming Swamp Thing streaming series has added a new character to its cast: Madame Xanadu, to be...

new 52 dc comics news

Opinion: “The New 52,” What Can DC Use From This Publishing Initiative?

Back in 2011, DC Comics took a big chance on the reboot/revamp of their entire line in the...

TIME BUBBLES: Wolfman and Perez draw first Blood, 35 years ago this month

Hey, ho, Bubblenauts! Time for another trip down DC's memory lane, as we drop out of the time...