Klarion the Witch Boy
Review: Justice League Dark #12
Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #12 Writer: James Tynion IV Pencils: Alvaro Martínez Bueno Inks: Raul Fernandez Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Rob Leigh...
Review: Justice League Dark #11
Review: JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #11 Writer: James Tynion IV Pencils: Alvaro Martínez Bueno Inks: Raul Fernandez Colors: Brad Anderson Letters: Rob Leigh...
DCN Exclusive Interview: Jonboy Meyers
Jonboy is a really cool guy. He loves the rich history of DC Comics and making art that will wow his...
School Starts March 19th for DC Super Hero Girls!
Tune into Boomerang on Saturday, March 19 at 10 a.m. for an action-packed hour with Super Hero High,...
Review: KLARION #6
The final battle ensues in the opening pages of Klarion #6 as the Witch-Boy faces off against Coal of the...
Review: KLARION #5
Klarion #5 opens with an argument between Klarion and Zell over Klarion's decision to consume the Swagbot he acquired...
Review: KLARION #4
Klarion takes the wheel and begins to drive the plot in Klarion #4. Assisted by Beelzebub in a "rescue" of...
Review: KLARION #3
The third outing of Klarion makes some significant improvements over the previous issue and begins to deliver on some...
Review: KLARION #2
Klarion #2 further builds the world Ann Nocenti created in the debut issue. Klarion finds himself in combat...
Review: KLARION #1
Ann Nocenti brings Jack Kirby's boy-wizard into his own series with Klarion #1. The series debut features some detailed...