All your news for Joker, Clown Prince of Crime who uses chaos and anarchy to create havoc in Gotham City.
Review: Batman: White Knight #8 (FINAL ISSUE)
Written and Illustrated by: Sean Murphy Colors by: Matt Hollingsworth Summary As Batman and the GCPD go on...
DC Artist Alley Debuts Three New Vinyl Figure Designs
One month away from the much-anticipated DC Artist Alley, anxious fans get their first look at three additions...
Gotham 4×21 “One Bad Day” Promo Released!
The reign of Jeremiah – the actual Joker? – continues on the next episode of Gotham. For those...
Gotham Drops New Jeremiah Trailer–And It’s Amazing
During Season 3 Gotham seemed to drop off in amazingness and lost a lot of viewers. But with...
DC bringing classic storylines to the book world
As beloved as Batman is to comic books fans, the world at large recognizes him without ever having...
Review: Harley Loves Joker #1
Writer: Paul Dini Artist: Bret Blevins Summary Paul Dini returns to the character he co-created to deliver...
Review: Bombshells United #17
Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artist: Siya Oum Summary The final chapter of the BOMBSHELLS epic begins! An...
Review: DC Nation #0
Writers: Tom King, Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson Artists: Clay Mann, José Luis...
Review: Mother Panic: Gotham A.D. #2
Written by: Jody Houser Drawn by: Ibrahim Moustafa and Paulina Ganucheau (back up story) Colored by: Jordan Boyd Summary Mother...
‘Batman Ninja’ Released With Warner Bros. Announcing Two Special Events
The moment we've been waiting for is finally here! Batman Ninja is available TODAY on Digital! The film has...