Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)

Green Lantern Guy Gardner – All your news for Guy Gardner, an ex-cop and second human after Hal Jordan to become a Green Lantern.

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #3

Writer: Robert Venditti Artists:  Rafa Sandoval (penciller), Jordi Tarragona (inker) and Tomeu Morey (colorist) Variant Cover: Kevin Nowlan My bounty is...

Exclusive: We Speak To ‘Batman: The Brave and The Bold’ Star Diedrich Bader!

Like 2 "Hammers of Justice." DC Comics News hits you hard with another exclusive! I had the opportunity...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #2

Writer: Robert Venditti Artists:  Rafa Sandoval (penciller), Jordi Tarragona (inker) and Tomeu Morey (colorist) Variant Cover: Kevin Nowland "Uneasy lies the...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1

Writer: Robert Venditti Artists: Jordi Tarragona, Rafa Sandoval Variant Cover: Kevin Nowlan Summary Green Lantern Hal Jordan continues to search...

DC Comics Pull Box For 6-8-2016

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for June 8,...

DC Comics Pull Box For 5-25-2016

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for May 25,...


DC Comics Pull Box For 5-11-2016

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for May 11,...

Review: Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #4

Cover First off, this is my first time reviewing this series. Needless to say, this is what I...


DC Comics Pull Box For 4-13-2016

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for April 13,...


DC Comics Pull Box For 3-16-2016

DCN has compiled a list of DC Comics titles and collectibles shipping to comic shops for March 16,...