Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)

Green Lantern Guy Gardner – All your news for Guy Gardner, an ex-cop and second human after Hal Jordan to become a Green Lantern.

Grteen Lanterns - DC Comics News

Jurgens Talks His Upcoming Run on Green Lanterns

Writer Dan Jurgens and artist Mike Perkins will be taking over as the creative team on Green Lanterns,...

Review: Green Lanterns #50

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Mike Perkins   Summary Following the events of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern...

Rob Venditti Says Goodbye to the Green Lantern Corps

As the saying goes, "all good things must come to an end," and that even goes for the...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #47

Writer: Robert Venditti Penciller: Fernando Pasarin Inkers: Oclair Albert & Eber Ferreira Colorist: Jason Wright   Summary With all of last issue's...

Review: Injustice 2 #28

Writer: Tom Taylor Pencils: Daniel Sampere Inks: Juan Albarran & Daniel Sampere Colors: Rex Lokus   Summary The greatest creative advantage with...

Sciver - DC Comics News

Sciver Leaves DC Comics For Creator-Owned Project

First Geoff Johns left DC, now his Green Lantern: Rebirth and The Flash: Rebirth co-creator Ethan Van Sciver...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #46

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Clayton Henry Colorist: Pete Pantazis   Summary I didn't really believe that Guy Gardner was going to...

Review: Injustice 2 #27

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Xermanica Colors: J. Nanjan   Summary This may be my favorite interpretation of Guy Gardner, ever.  Does...

Review: Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #45

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Ethan Van Sciver Colorist: Jason Wright   Summary In light of the newly reformed Darkstars assembling a...

Krypton Reveals the Green Lantern Corps and Justice League Exist

With only 10 episodes for the season, Krypton has managed to connect the series to the DC Universe...