Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)

Green Lantern Guy Gardner – All your news for Guy Gardner, an ex-cop and second human after Hal Jordan to become a Green Lantern.

PREVIEWS: Red Lanterns #24 – Lights Out

As the Green Lantern Corps deals with Relic in the title-spanning crossover "Lights Out" the series reaches it's...

Preview: Green Lantern Annual #2

October marks the beginning the next crossover for the Green Lantern universe, Lights Out. DC has promised this...

Green Lantern Lights Out Preview

In October the Green Lantern universe mega crossover Lights Out will be starting. Robert Vendetti the writer of...

PREVIEW: Red Lanterns #23

Charles Soule continues his first arc on the book in this preview to issue 23! Writer: Charles Soule...

DCN Special: Exploring The Green Lanterns

DCN Staff explore and rank the Green Lanterns from Alan Scott to Simon Baz. Listen to the full...

SDCC Panel Report – Green Lantern: Recharged!

The DC Comics: Green Lantern: Recharged! panel took place this year in San Diego this year. Below is...

DCN The Podcast Special: Green Lantern Rebirth

Our DCN staff sit down together to review Green Lantern: Rebirth. The staff reviews the characters, Hal Jordan's hero journey,...

PREVIEWS: October 2013 Cover Solicitations

With the Trinity War starting this week and Villains Month coming up in September, many DC fans are...

DC Announces Annuals for October

On October 30, six new annuals will be released. DC released the solicitations and covers for all six!...

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: Whatever Happened To The JLI?

I like a good bit of escapism. And I doubt I'll stop buying comic books about men who...