Green Arrow

Green Arrow –All your news for Green Arrow, Oliver Queen, the billionaire idealist who struggles to reconcile his efforts to bring criminals to justice with his own.

Review: Arrow 8×05 – “Prochnost”

Review: Arrow 8x05 - "Prochnost"   Director:Laura Baley Writers: Benjamin Raab and Deric A. Huges Starring: Stephen Amell, David Ramsey,...

Arrow 8x04: "Present Tense"

Review: Arrow 8×04 – “Present Tense”

Review: Arrow 8x04 - "Present Tense"   Director: Kristin Windell Writers: Oscar Balderrama and Jeane Wong Starring: Stephen Amell, Charlie...

Review: DCeased #6

Review: DCEASED #6   Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Trevor Hairsine, Neil Edwards & Stefano Gaudiano Colors: Rain Beredo...

Review: Arrow 8×02 – “Welcome to Hong Kong”

Review: Arrow 8x02 - "Welcome To Hong Kong" Director: Antonio Negret Writers: Sarah Tarkoff and Jill Blankenship Starring: Stephen Amell,...

Review: Batwoman 1×03 – “Down, Down, Down”

Review: Batwoman 1x03 "Down, Down, Down" Director: Dermott Downs Writers: Holly Henderson and Don Whitehead Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan...

Arrow 8x01

Review: Arrow 8×01 – “Starling City”

Review: Arrow 8x01: "Starling City" Director: James Bamford Writers: Marc Guggenheim and Beth Schwartz Starring: Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Katie Cassidy,...

‘Smallville’ Lois Lane Is Joining ‘Crisis’ Crossover

'Smallville' Lois Lane Is Joining 'Crisis' Crossover looks as if Tom Welling's Clark Kent isn't the only...

‘Smallville’ Joins ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Event

'Smallville' Joins 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Event us ANOTHER Superman for the crossover event. Word has dropped...

Review: Event Leviathan #3

Review: EVENT LEVIATHAN #3   Story: Brian Michael Bendis Art and Cover: Alex Maleev Letters: Josh Reed   Reviewed...

Review: DCeased #4

Review: DCEASED #4   Writer: Tom Taylor Artists: Trevor Hairsine & Stefano Gaudiano Colors: Rain Beredo Letters: Saida...