All your news for Brainiac, foe of Superman, an all knowing humanoid who is responsible for shrinking and stealing cities of planets including the city capital of Krypton, Kandor.
Review: Krypton 1×02 – “House of El”
Directed by: Ciaran Donnelly Written by: Cameron Welsh Starring: Cameron Cuffe, Rasmus Hardiker, Ann Ogbomo, Georgina Campbell, Shaun...
DC releases Final Action Comics #1000 Cover Variant
Two months ago, Jim Lee and DC Comics thrilled Superman fans with the unveiling of the official cover...
Syfy Reveals Krypton’s Brainiac
Syfy recently released a new featurette for its upcoming DC Comics series, Krypton. In it David S. Goyer...
Scott Snyder to Take Over Justice League in June
It was announced via an exclusive report with IGN that Scott Snyder will be the new writer for Justice...
Jesse Rath Defends His BRAINIAC 5 Look From ‘Supergirl’
Supergirl's Brainiac 5 actor, Jesse Rath, has taken to Twitter to defend his character's look on the show...
New Krypton Teaser Introduces The Legend of El
Another day another teaser, this time for Syfy’s upcoming Superman prequel Krypton. Like Titans, Krypton has been in...
Review: Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #6
Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Stephen Byrne Summary The Justice League and the Power Rangers make a final...
Review: Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #5
Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Stephen Byrne Summary Brainiac and Lord Zedd begin their invasion of the Power...
DCUA 10th Anniversary Review – Superman: Unbound
Director: James Tucker Writer: Bob Goodman Starring: Matt Bomer, Stana Katic, John Noble, Molly Quinn Original Release Date:...
Review: Justice League/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4
Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Stephen Byrne Summary The two teams of heroes travel to the Power Rangers'...