Booster Gold
All your news for Booster Gold, Michael Jon Carter, an embarrassment and failure in his home time period of the 25th Century who traveled back to the present to become a hero.
Review: Batman #45
Writer: Tom King Pencils: Tony S. Daniel Summary Gotham is in a sea of fire, Green Lantern...
Review: Injustice 2 #24
Writer: Tom Taylor Pencils: Bruno Redondo Inks: Juan Albarran Colors: Rex Lokus Summary Things aren't looking good for the heroes as...
Warner Bros. to Decide on Completed Booster Gold Script
In 2016, Warner Bros announced that they were working on a Booster Gold movie. Now, writer and producer...
Review: Action Comics #998
Writer: Dan Jurgens Art: Will Conrad Color: Ivan Nunes Summary It didn't look good for any of the good guys...
Review: Action Comics #997
Writer: Dan Jurgens Pencils: Brett Booth Inks: Norm Rapmund Colors: Andrew Dalhouse Summary “BOOSTER SHOT” part five! Superman and Booster Gold...
Review: Action Comics #996
Writer: Dan Jurgens Art: Will Conrad Colors: Ivan Nunes Summary Lois finally shows what she's got as her undercover mission...
Review: Action Comics #995
Writer: Dan Jurgens Pencils: Brett Booth Inks: Norm Rapmund Colors: Andrew Dalhouse Summary “Booster Shot” part three! Time is broken,...
Review: Action Comics #994
Story & Pencil Art: Dan Jurgens Finished Ink Art: Art Thibert, Trevor Scott, Johnny Desjardins & Joe Prado Color: Hi-Fi ...
Dan Jurgens Brings Back Booster Gold In Action Comics
Booster Gold finally makes his return to the DC Universe this week in Action Comics #993. And Dan...
Review: Action Comics #993
Story and Pencil Art: Dan Jurgnes Finished Ink Art: Joe Prado & Cam Smith Color: Hi-Fi Summary “BOOSTER SHOT” part...