● Batwoman –All your news for Batwoman, Katherine “Kate” Kane, ally of Batman and former lover of Gotham PD’s Renee Montoya.
Review: Arrow 7×09 – “Elseworlds, Part 2”
Director: James Bamford Writers: Marc Guggenheim, Caroline Dries, Sarah Tarkoff, Emilio Ortega Aldrich, and Tonya Kong Starring: Stephen...
CW Releases Extended Elseworlds Trailer
The CW has released an extended promo for the Elseworld crossover, and it includes our first look at...
Review: Detective Comics #993
Writer: James Robinson Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico Colors: Ivan Plascencia Letters: Rob Leigh Summary Two-Face…dead?! Did the...
“Elseworlds” Crossover Reveals Batman’s (Final?) Fate
With the inception of Batwoman (played by Ruby Rose) into the CW's Arrowverse, prior we had Kara Danvers...
New Batwoman Photo Released
The crossover is a few weeks away, but this past week fans got a better look at the...
Review: Detective Comics #992
Writer: James Robinson Artist: Carmine Di Giandomenico Colors: Ivan Plascencia Letters: Rob Leigh Summary There’s a new...
Batman Will Not Appear In Arrowverse Crossover
A whole lot of news has broken ever since the announcement of this year's Arrowverse crossover. We know...
Psycho-Pirate Will Be Introduced In Arrowverse Crossover
The highly anticipated Arrowverse crossover, titled "Elseworlds", just keeps on getting bigger as another character is set to...
Arrowverse Crossover Brings Gotham City To Chicago
Earlier in the week signs went up in Chicago for filming “for the television show GOTHAM CITY,” which...
“Legends of Tomorrow” Joins Crossover for Own Adventure
This crossover week, the Legends of Tomorrow will have a crossover of their own. This will happen at...