
● Batwoman –All your news for Batwoman, Katherine “Kate” Kane, ally of Batman and former lover of Gotham PD’s Renee Montoya.

Batwoman Supergirl World's Finest

‘Batwoman/Supergirl: World’s Finest’ Coming in December

The title World's Finest has a long history at DC Comics, and now another version is on the...

Batwoman 1x04

Review: Batwoman 1×04 – “Who Are You”

Review: Batwoman 1x04 - "Who Are You"   Director: Holly Dale Writers: Nancy Kiu and Denise Harkavy Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel...

Review: Batwoman 1×03 – “Down, Down, Down”

Review: Batwoman 1x03 "Down, Down, Down" Director: Dermott Downs Writers: Holly Henderson and Don Whitehead Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan...

The CW Wants Nine More ‘Batwoman’ Episodes

Those running the CW must like what they see from Batwoman, because they've ordered nine additional episodes for...

Batman #81

Review: Batman #81

Review: BATMAN #81   Writer: Tom King Artists: John Romita Jr., Mitch Gerads Colours: Tomeu Morey, Mitch Gerads...

Review: Batwoman 1×02 – “Down The Rabbit Hole”

Review: Batwoman 1x02 "Down The Rabbit Hole"   Director: Marcos Siega Writers: Caroline Dries Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten, Meagan...


Review: Batwoman 1×01 – “Pilot”

Review: BATWOMAN 1x01 - “PILOT” Director: Marcos Siega Writers: Caroline Dries Starring: Ruby Rose, Rachel Skaarsten, Meagan Tandy, Nicole Kang,...

Exclusive Harley Quinn News From NYCC

We have some breaking news direct from Dc about New York Comic Con, and it's all about our...

‘Smallville’ Lois Lane Is Joining ‘Crisis’ Crossover

'Smallville' Lois Lane Is Joining 'Crisis' Crossover looks as if Tom Welling's Clark Kent isn't the only...

‘Smallville’ Joins ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Event

'Smallville' Joins 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Event us ANOTHER Superman for the crossover event. Word has dropped...