
● Batwoman –All your news for Batwoman, Katherine “Kate” Kane, ally of Batman and former lover of Gotham PD’s Renee Montoya.

Batman: Detective Comics #27 Review: 75th Anniversary Special Spectacular!

To celebrate Batman’s 75th anniversary, and the first appearance of Batman in 1939’s Detective Comics #27, this over-sized...

Francis Manapul Making Guest Appearance on Batwoman #27

Manapul collaborates with Batwoman artist, Jeremy Haun, on a series of two-page spreads.

Batwoman #26 Review: WEBS Part One: STRANDS

It’s an all-new start for an all-new arc! It’s the All-New Batwoman! Wait, wrong company…   Positives Manhunter...

Batwoman Annual Confirmed for April

It isn't even the first day of 2014 and the first confirmed solicitation for April has been announced,...

Batwoman # 25 Review: …Or High Water – Zero Year

Kate Kane returns to Gotham for her Uncle’s funeral in this “Zero Year” tie-in, and writer Marc Andreyko...

PREVIEWS: Harley Quinn #0 and Batwoman #25

This week's releases feature some new titles and some brand new creative teams! Harley Quinn #0, written by...

Batwoman #24 Review: This Blood is Thick – Plots

The wait is finally over as everything comes to a head and all plans are set into motion....

PREVIEWS: Batwoman #24 J.H. Williams’s Final Issue

The buzz is still active about the reasons surrounding J.H. Williams III and W.H. Blackman's departure from Batwoman. Dan...

SHOWCASE PRESENTS: Do Heroes Get To Be Happy?

I don't believe that people need to be alone to be heroes. Of course risking your life day...

Batwoman’s New Writer Talks About The Future

Batwoman's new writer Marc Andreyko sat down with Newarama to discuss his upcoming run on the title and...