● Batwoman –All your news for Batwoman, Katherine “Kate” Kane, ally of Batman and former lover of Gotham PD’s Renee Montoya.
King Brings DC’s Next Crisis Event
From the landmark maxi-series Crisis on Infinite Earths, to Infinite Crisis, to Identity Crisis and to Final Crisis,...
Review: Bombshells United #19 (FINAL ISSUE)
Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artists: David Hahn Summary In this final issue, the war—and the Bombshells—come to an...
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps and Batwoman to end in August
DC Comics' August solicitations bring the official word that both Batwoman and Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern...
Review: Detective Comics #981
Writer: James T Tynion IV Artists: Raúl Fernandez & Alvaro Martinez Summary “Batmen Eternal” finale! This...
Batwoman Set to Appear on Arrow
After two successful crossover events and subtle hints that Gotham City exists in their universe, Arrow is taking...
Review: Detective Comics #980
Writer: James T Tynion IV Artists: Raúl Fernandez & Alvaro Martinez Summary “Batmen Eternal” part five! The...
Review: Detective Comics #979
Writer: James T Tynion IV Artists: Raúl Fernandez & Alvaro Martinez Summary “Batmen Eternal” part four! Ulysses...
‘Batman Ninja’ Released With Warner Bros. Announcing Two Special Events
The moment we've been waiting for is finally here! Batman Ninja is available TODAY on Digital! The film has...
Review: Bombshells United #16
Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artists: Sandy Jarrell Summary Wham! The Bombshells dive into a deadly volcanic lair, while...
Review: Detective Comics #978
Writer: James T Tynion IV Artists: Javier Fernandez Summary “Batmen Eternal” part three! Congratulations, Batwoman—you have an...