Warner Bros. Has Plans To Use Harley Quinn In The Near Future.

As the character has been a fan-favorite since her first appearance on the episode of Batman: The Animated...

Nolan’s Batman Team Works on Sandman Script

Recently, actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been announced as a producer of the upcoming Sandman movie. In an interview...

Affleck Shares His Thoughts on “Batfleck”

Ben Affleck shares his feelings about "Batfleck" and the fan reactions to casting

Zod May Play Role in Lex Luthor’s Plan

Geek Tyrant recently posted some new information regarding Lex Luthor's plot in the Batman V Superman film. The...

Clock King Faces Off Against The Flash

The Clock King battles against The Flash in episode 7 of "The Flash"


Rumors leak of Aquaman shooting test footage on water set on the set of Batman v Superman