Kevin Sharp

Kevin Sharp

From alternating Batman & Green Lantern as childhood Halloween costumes, to getting punched in my adolescent heart by Love & Rockets, to playing convention sidekick to the legendary Len Wein, the comics medium and characters feel like a part of my DNA.

The CW Wants Nine More ‘Batwoman’ Episodes

Those running the CW must like what they see from Batwoman, because they've ordered nine additional episodes for...

Wonder Woman 750

‘Wonder Woman’ #750: All-Star Anniversary Issue Announced

Wonder Woman fans will be getting a special treat in January: a giant-sized anniversary issue filled with all-star...

willa holland thea

Willa Holland’s Thea Returns to ‘Arrow’

While the big news in the Arrowverse these days is the upcoming "Crisis On Infinite Earths" event, that's...

Grouch trailer david harbour

First Was ‘Joker,’ Now Comes ‘Grouch’

What happens when the world pushes one man too far? He might become a Joker... or a Grouch....

The Dreaming G Willow Wilson

NYCC: New Creators for ‘The Dreaming’ and ‘Plunge’

One of the DC panels at NYCC that ended up breaking some big news was titled "House of...

Birds of prey trailer

Harley’s Here: First ‘Birds Of Prey’ Trailer Lands

The wait is over for our first real look at Birds of Prey: And The Fantabulous Emancipation of...

harley quinn birds of prey graphic novel

‘Birds Of Prey’ Graphic Novel Tie-In Coming In November

Birds of Prey fans, you have a lot to look forward to in the near future. Front and...

Jonah Hill Jeffrey Wright The Batman

Jonah Hill, Jeffrey Wright Joining ‘The Batman’?

What do actors Jonah Hill and Jeffrey Wright have to do with The Batman? The film has been...

Villain of the year harley quinn

DC Fans Will Vote For “Villain of the Year”

Way back in the late 1980s, DC held a phone vote on whether Robin (Jason Todd) should live...

wonder woman dead earth

Diana Goes Post-Apocalyptic in ‘Wonder Woman: Dead Earth’

Daniel Warren Johnson — best known for creator-owned books like Murder Falcon and Extremity — is bringing his talents...