Alex McDonald

Alex McDonald

Alex (pronounced Alec) is a Glasgow based English graduate who is trying to use his writing to pay for things. When not reviewing he enjoys writing comic books as well as reading and collecting them. His other hobbies include exercise, movies and professional wrestling.

Review: The Wild Storm #14

Writer: Warren Ellis Artists: Jon Davis-Hunt, Steve Buccellato   Summary Opening strong with some intense action, the issue...

Review: The WildStorm: Michael Cray #8

Writer: Bryan Hill Artists: N. Steven Harris, Dexter Vines, Ross Campbell   Summary The voice in Michael Cray’s...

Review: The Wild Storm #13

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Jon Davis-Hunt Colors: Steve Buccellato   Summary Former Director John Lynch tracks down former...

Review: The WildStorm: Michael Cray #7

Writer: Bryan Hill Artists: N. Steven Harris, Dexter Vines, Ross Campbell   Summary Another issue, another mission for...

Review: Imaginary Fiends #6

Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Stephen Molnar, Quinton Winter   Summary Trapped in the Fearless Forrest at the hands...

Review: Green Lanterns #44

Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Ronan Cliquet, HI-FI   Summary Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz are called to the...

Review: Imaginary Fiends #5

Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Stephen Molnar, Quiton Winter   Summary In one of the darkest issues yet, both...

Review: WildStorm: Michael Cray #6

Writer: Bryan Hill Artists: Larry Hama, N. Steven Harris, Dearbhla Kelly   Summary The gothic horror concludes as...

Review: The Wild Storm #12

Writer: Warren Ellis Artists: Jon Davis-Hunt, Steve Buccellato   Summary Finally! After weeks of pulling the story along...

Review: Imaginary Fiends #4

Writer: Tim Seeley Artists: Stephen Molnar, Quinton Winter   Summary Polly Peachpit and her husband Charlie Chokecherry are...