Green Lantern #24 Review: Lights Out, Part 1
As a crossover between the four main Green Lantern titles, “Lights Out” already feels like a different beast...
Tom Strong and The Planet of Perl #3 Review: Strongest Among Them
Tom Strong and The Planet of Peril #3 yet again hits the mark with a near perfect mix...
Justice League of America #7.4 Review: Blackest Adam
** SPOILERS AHEAD. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED ** POSITIVES The resurrection of Black Adam is really fun to...
The Wake #4 Review: The Horror Below
Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy’s tale of underwater terror continues this month as The Wake hits it’s stride...
Justice League #23.4: Secret Society Review: An Outsider’s Take
After the shocking events of “Trinity War” and Forever Evil #1, Geoff Johns and Sterling Gates bring readers...
Justice League #23.3 – Dial E Review: Not that G-R-E-A-T
Acting as the bookend to the recently cancelled Dial H, Justice League #23.3, focuses on the mystic dial...
Justice League #23.1 Review: Dark(seid) Days Ahead
It’s all about the Justice League’s first and most dangerous enemy in this look back at the origin...
Justice League of America’s Vibe #7 Review: A Rupture in Time and Space
Cisco Ramon might be helping out his fellow Justice League of America teammates over in “Trinity War”, but...
Justice League #23 Review: Trinity War, Conclusion
DC’s premier summer event comes to its thrilling conclusion as questions are answered, status quos change, and new...
Justice League of America #7 Review: Trinity War, Part 4
The second half of “Trinity War” starts right here! ** THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW. DEAL...