Panel Talk #1: The New 52 is Here to Stay
Welcome to PANEL TALK, a brand new segment for for the New Year. Each week, a different...
Batman/Superman #7 Review: Endgame
Greg Pak and Brett Booth finish up the current arc of Batman/Superman with a surprisingly personal twist. **...
Green Lantern #27 Review: Game Changer
The fallout from “Lights Out” continues this month as the Green Lanterns deal with the Braidmen on Mogo...
Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #3 Review: Badder than Ever?
Steve Trevor continues his solo journey to figure out a way to stop the Crime Syndicate. ** SPOILERS...
Larfleeze #6 Review: Two Tales
The revolt of the Orange Lanterns continues, while Stargrave finds himself reluctantly part of a crazy war between...
Justice League #26 Review: Origins, origins, and more origins
Halfway through Forever Evil, Geoff Johns brings readers the origins of the rest of the Crime Syndicate beyond...
JLA’s Vibe #10: Dawn of the Final Day
For a character as obscure as Vibe, it was a long shot that Cisco Ramon’s adventures would last...
Justice League of America #10 Review: Stargazing
Matt Kindt continues to delve into the psyche of Satrgirl and Martian Manhunter as they attempt to free...
Justice League #25 Review: The Owlman Cometh
It’s all about Owlman in this Forever Evil tie-in! Ultraman might be the brawn that keeps Earth Prime...
Batman/Superman #6 Review: Everything’s Coming Up Mongul
Greg Pak is doing amazing things with Batman/Superman, and this latest arc featuring Mongul and the new Toymaster...