Review: Lois Lane #11

Review: Lois Lane #11


[Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers]

Writer: Greg Rucka

Artist: Mike Perkins

Colorist: Andy Troy

Letterer: Simon Bowland


Reviewed by: Sean Blumenshine



The braid begins to unravel as Lois, Renee Montoya, Midnight, and Sister Clarice all come together. Now the intrepid reporter must face the reporter’s dilemma-what truths to tell, and at what cost?



Mike Perkins’ cover is great. There’s a simplicity to it that works. It’s an evocative image.

The interior art is also solid. I love the style and the tone of the book. The characters are expressive and Andy Troy’s colors create a wonderful mood.

I like that Renee Montaya and the Kiss of Death had a romantic relationship in a different life. The memories are bleeding over and it’s compelling drama. Kiss of Death, who we find out is named Elicia, feels genuine love for Renee because of these other memories. It’s interesting. I wish this revelation had happened earlier in the series; this is the most interesting story development but it happens in the next to last issue. If it had been brought in earlier, it could have been explored a little more.

Lois feels a certain amount of guilt over the events that transpire. She has information that she keeps from Renee and that puts Renee in danger. I like that thematically, truth is an important element to the story.


I’m genuinely not sure what is happening in this story anymore. It is off the rails and nuts. Part of me likes the insanity but I’m not entirely sure how the book got to this place. This series started off relatively simple and it doesn’t even feel like the same thing anymore. It lost its appeal to me a few issues ago. I’ve had a hard time getting invested in this.

I don’t like that Lois has information that the audience doesn’t. It makes it hard to get fully inside her head; she’s the protagonist but she’s ten steps ahead of the reader. That’s not compelling to me; I want to figure this mystery along with her.



This is an okay issue. The art is gorgeous. This series has been worth it for that alone. But the story left me behind a while ago. This relationship between Elicia and Renee is interesting but there isn’t a lot that can be done since the next issue is the last one. It’s not bad; I just don’t find Lois Lane #11 engaging.


Sean Blumenshine

Sean Blumenshine

I am currently a senior at Wichita State University studying communications. I started reading comics in 2013 because of how much I loved Man of Steel and season one of Arrow. My favorite hero is the Green Arrow and my favorite villain is the Joker.