DC Entertainment Reaches Out To Freelancers

The world has come to a complete stop, for the most part, during this COVID-19 epidemic. Governments around the world have shut down, boarders have been closed, only “essential employees” are encouraged to go to work in order to keep important functions of our society moving. Even many stores have closed; and yes, that includes comic book stores. But what does this mean for DC?

Last week, Steve Geppi, CEO of Geppi Family Enterprises and founder of Diamond Comics Distributors, announced that the largest distributor of comic books around the world would be shutting down its world-wide supply chain and new issues of all comic books would be delayed in their deliveries to stores once they reopen, and yes, this does include both Marvel and DC Comics.

Every comic book company around the world spoke out about how they were handling retailers being shut down and gave their support for the “brick and mortar” stores. However, one has remained silent.

DC Publisher Jim Lee hasn’t tweeted in over 10 days (and for him that’s big) and he is currently presumed missing (just kidding, he’s not missing).

Bob Harras

The only communication to come out of DC has come from Editor-In-Chief Bob Harras.  Harras has released a letter to freelancers inside the DC Talent Community.

To Our DC Talent Community,

Everyone here at DC is thinking of you and the challenges that you’re all facing in this current crisis.  I want to stress that DC is fully open for business.  Our editorial teams and support staff are working remotely for the foreseeable future but that will not interfere with our day-to-day operations.

Our main concern, of course, is your well-being and that of your families.  No matter where you are in the world, take care and don’t hesitate to reach out.  We realize that there may be unexpected challenges ahead and I want you to know that we are here to help.

No one knows, of course, how long this current situation may last.  For now, this is our new normal.  And as we transition to a company working from home, we gain the flexibility to overcome any challenge.  Most importantly, we remain incredibly excited about the stories we will create together.



Despite this communication straight from the “higher ups” at DC Comics, the overall silence has not gone unnoticed as rumors of AT&T, who is neck deep in debt, having conversations with Disney about possibly purchasing DC Comics have ramped up.

As Bob Harras said in his letter, “there may be unexpected challenges ahead”.

For more, stay glued to DC Comics News.

Jeff Testanero

Jeff Testanero

Hartford, Connecticut based blogger and podcaster. Graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting and serious comic book collector for the past 20+ years Diehard Superman fanboy