Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane Books Ending In 2020

Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Superman, DC Comics

Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane Books Ending In 2020

In a release posted directly on their website, the fine folks at DC have unveiled the end of some fan favorites:

“Launched in July 2019 to the delight of fans worldwide, DC’s Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane have been uncovering corners of the DC universe that had yet to be explored. Introducing new characters like the Kiss of Death and welcoming back fan favorites like Dex-Starr, these two comics have given the people closest to Clark Kent (and, by default, Superman) an incredible spotlight.

Now, we’re approaching their triumphant final issues. Coming this June, with the Daily Planet on the ropes, Jimmy learns something about it that’ll change everything forever. And, at the end of multiple investigations, Lois finds herself with the power to change—or destroy—the lives of everyone involved.

Will Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen’s adventures continue? Show your support with #LongLiveLoisLane and #JimberlyJimmyOlsenForever!
Lois Lane #12, written by Greg Rucka with art and cover by Mike Perkins and a variant cover by Amanda Conner hits shelves June 3, 2020.

Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12, written by Matt Fraction with art and cover by Steve Lieber and a variant cover by Ben Oliver, hits spinner racks June 17, 2020.”

Here’s a closer look at each series’ final cover:

Jimmy Olsen, Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #12, DC Comics Lois Lane, Lois Lane #12, DC Comics

It’s always nice when supporting casts get their own series, allowing us fans a chance to explore the outskirts of their own characters’ universe. Both Jimmy and Lois‘s comic lives have revolved around “Supes” so much, that it was fun following them to live their own adventures.

But alas, all good things must come to an end, as the famous mantra goes.

Thankfully, we got to enjoy a year’s worth of fun and unique stories told within the lives of Superman’s most loyal supporting characters.


Jose Zuazua

A news writer at DC Comics News, Jose Zuazua is also editor-in-chief of Quick Lunch Break Reviews. He has an associates degree in film production and has been published both online and in print for Los Angeles City College’s award-winning Collegian newspaper. Jose is on Twitter and Instagram, and is also currently writing his first short novel.